Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Leadership Position.Cross Cultural Decision Making Assignment

Leadership Position.Cross Cultural Decision Making - Assignment Example International business ethics is of high value, especially when team members originate from other countries. It is a spicy mixture, if team members originate from UK, Brazil, Egypt and Colombia.   A mixture of Eastern and Western culture is an effective conglomerate, but it may take time and effort to make this unity successful. A diverse world requires numerous opportunities and gives many chances for goals realization either by individuals or by the company. A leader is a mediator of relations between employees and organization. From his apt communication of goals depends future performance of the organization. A current task is challenged by international nature not only of its team members, but also by location of plants. The first plant is based in Ireland and the second plant is located in Honduras.   Raw materials come from different international companies. Manufacturing plants are located in different countries and it is very much important that cultural differences in c ommunication among employees of the plants should be properly considered by a leader. For example, lingual and cultural barriers can exist. To overcome them a wise leader should set correct goals and inspire team members of high performance by means of rewards. ... That is why it is very important for employee the way he is perceived by the leader and other members of his team. Therefore, to motivate employees from different countries, it is possible to take the following steps: to choose between need-based models of motivation and process-based models of motivation. In accordance with Hofstede (2003), the first type of model is based on social orientation, power orientation, uncertainty orientation, and goal orientation. This approach is relevant to representatives of uncertainty-avoiding cultures, when employees are focused on job stability and a personal security. It is better to implement reinforcement, which leads to positive outcomes and avoid punishment, which leads to negative outcomes (Trompenaars, 2004). To avoid misunderstanding, it is better for managers to develop his practices in compliance with a formal code of ethics of the organization. Ethical dilemmas can be dealt in interactive way, when members of organization have an oppor tunity of trainings visiting, which are mainly focused on ethical aspects of business (Alanazi & Rodrigues, 2003). Social responsibility is another integrative element of a successful international leadership. Basic human needs of employees, their rewards, promotion and support should be of high importance for the modern leaders. A modern process of decision making should be regulated by a leader with respect to the following facts: â€Å"a set of social relations  which includes consumption patterns, market regulations, ownership and control structures, labor conditions, government decision making, and the motivations and aspirations of the actors involved† (Thompson 1994, p. 4). Especially in the international context these factors play even

Monday, October 28, 2019

Angelas Ashes Comparative Commentary Essay Example for Free

Angelas Ashes Comparative Commentary Essay Although these two passages taken from the memoirs; Angelas Ashes by Frank McCourt and Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Sallinger, are similar to each other in some aspects, such as mood, perceptions and attitudes towards death etc., their society, culture, and their ages make the contrast between their styles. In the passage from Catcher in the Rye, we see the 17-years-old Holden going to his brother Allies grave. From his comments about his brothers death, we start to interpret his immature and irreverent character. I know its only his body and all thats in the cemetery, and his souls in Heaven and all that crap On the other hand, just like Frank McCourts, Holdens anger, sadness and resentment is seen by his mood and tone. The 5-years-old little Frankie is already witness to his sister Margarets death, and now he losts his little brother Oliver. In this scene, where Oliver is buried in the graveyard, Frankie tries to understand the things around him with his childish curiosity and responses. I did not want to leave Oliver with them. I threw a rock at a jackdaw that waddled over toward Olivers grave. Nevertheless, although his age, Holdens inability to come to terms with his brothers death makes him angry and resentful. All the visitors could get in their cars and turn on their radios and all and then go someplace nice for dinner everybody except Allie. I couldnt stand it. There are some hints in the passages which suggest about the culture, societies and time the two memoirs took place. Holden says the visitors could get in their cars and turn on their radios and all and then go someplace nice for dinner, whereas Frankie says we rode to the hospital in a carriage with a horse and My mother and Aunt Aggie cried, Grandma looked angry, Dad, Uncle Pa Keating, and Uncle Pat Sheehan looked sad but did not cry and I thought that if youre a mean you can cry only when you have the black stuff that is called the pint. The carriage with a horse and the people running like hell over to their cars and turn on their radios show us that the scene from Angelas Ashes took place many years before Catcher in the Rye. Moreover, with Frankies childish comment about his family, the men in his family appear as drinkers; this suggests about the Irish culture which all men are drinkers. The same comment also clearly shows us the difference between women and men in their culture. We also see that the two characters families and societies are Christian, and believe in the life after death. Holden says I know its only his body and all thats in the cemetery, and his souls in Heaven and all that crap, but I couldnt stand it anyway. On the other hand Frankie explains, Dad said I shouldnt throw rocks at jackdaws, they might be somebodys soul. I didnt know what a soul was but I didnt ask him because I didnt care. Their perception towards religion is the same; they both believe in what is taught to them, but in both cases the characters sadness and anger are much greater then their religion now, when they lost their brothers whom they love and were connected so much. I wish he wasnt there. You didnt know him. If youd known him, youd know what I mean. Oliver was dead and I hated jackdaws. Both Frankie and Holden are alone with their thoughts and feelings; they cannot share them with anyone. Holden is too immature and powerless to face his brothers death and Frankies parents wouldnt answer his question marks about death. The two narrative characters cannot talk about or express their sorrow, they have to keep it inside and divert it into anger and hate of other things or people around them. Id be a man someday and Id come with a bag of rocks and Id leave the graveyard littered with dead jackdaws. All the visitors in the cemetery started running like hell over to their cars. Thats what nearly drove me crazy. Hence the two characters need to heal theirselves by something else; writing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Book report lord of the rings :: essays research papers

Vol. III - THE RETURN OF THE KINGS: Everyone except Frodo and Sam arrives at the kingdom of Gondor, and though the people of Gondor are amazed and frightened at first by the huge army of walking trees that accompany them, everyone smiles and accepts them when Gandalf and Aragorn reveal themselves. The brothers Denethor and Boromir, however, see that Aragorn brings knowledge from the North which will give their kingship over to Faramir, the true King, and so they secretly conspire against him. And so later on, when the forces of Mordor arrive to attack Gondor, they successfully plot to have Aragorn positioned so he must face the Witch-King in single combat. The battle is too much for Aragorn, and just as he is about to die he is saved by Eowyn, a woman of Rohan who loves him, and Merry, who slays the Witch-king in single combat by using ancient hobbit-magic and so reveals himself to be the lost Thain of the Shire. Even as the forces of Mordor retreat, they are swept into the Sea by great ships brought by Faramir, the tr ue Prince of Dol Amroth, from the hidden city of Osgiliath further up the Great River. Meanwhile Sam chases the tarantula back to the lair of Ungoliant, the Queen of Spiders, and after a tense argument about the nature of good and evil she finally reveals to Sam the cure for the spider's-venom which holds Frodo in thrall. Sam thanks Ungoliant for her mercy and wisdom and revives Frodo, and they set off into Mordor to find Gollum. "Oft help will come from the weak when the Wise are foolish," Gandalf once said, and sure enough all the spiders of Mordor are willing to help Frodo and Sam in their quest. Their course leads them to Mount Doom, where just as they arrive they find Gollum claiming the Ring for himself. The Dark Lord Sauron then becomes aware of them, and leaves the Dark Tower to come forth and destroy them; but just them Frodo and Sam rush Gollum and force him backwards into the Cracks of Doom. The Ring is destroyed, and without it Sauron is destroyed by the sunlight. Frodo and Sam leave the Mountain just in time to see the great armies of Aragorn and Faramir coming across the plains of Mordor to greet them. Boromir and Denethor are driven away from Gondor forever, but mercifully spared by King Faramir, and Aragorn is revealed to be the long-lost King of Arnor, the North-Kingdom of old.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Importance of Wearing Your Seatbelt

The reason why wearing a seatbelt is important is because seatbelts are designed to protect, it is the law and statistics prove that wearing a seatbelt is safer than not wearing one at all, and wearing a seatbelt will save a person money on medical bills and related costs due to an accident. Seatbelts are designed to protect drivers and all passengers. A three-point harnessed seatbelt will protect vital internal organs and bones. While properly wearing a seatbelt a person is protecting their ribs, spine, neck and skull.Along with those bones, a person is protecting organs such as their heart and brain. A seatbelt will also protect a person from whiplash. Injuries due to a person not wearing a seatbelt include abdominal injuries (if worn too high), skin abrasions and injuries to the carotid artery, throat and cervical spine. Injuries to the chest, shoulders and ribs are at high risk if not properly wearing a seatbelt. Seatbelts are important when it comes to the law. Although laws on seatbelts vary from state to state, the state of Washington stated that all occupants of a driving vehicle must be properly restrained.The driver is also responsible for making sure any passenger under the age of 16 are properly restrained in all seating positions. Failing to do so will lead to a $124. 00 safety violation fine, no matter what age or where the person is located in the vehicle. Half of the United States charge a $25. 00 violation fee as of May 2010. Statistics prove that wearing a seatbelt is safer than not wearing one at all. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, occupants of a vehicle have a 50% increase of fatal injuries if no seatbelt is worn.Due to car accidents, on average there are 40,000 deaths each year. Of the deaths in children due to not wearing a seatbelt 80% of them could have been avoided by properly restraining the child with a seatbelt. Out of the thousands of people killed each year because of car accidents, 63% of them wer e not wearing a seatbelt. This with no doubt proves that failure to wear a seatbelt leads to more deaths than any other single safety violation. In 2006, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration eported that 15,383 people were saved from fatal injuries becuase of wearing a seatbelt. They also reported in 2008 that 13,250 people with ages ranging from 5 and older were saved by properly wearing a seatbelt. In ages 4 and younger, there were 244 saved lives. They believe that with compliance to seatbelt laws 4,152 lives could have been saved in the same year. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention stated that not only does wearing a seatbelt protect yourself, but also passengers and children.By wearing a seatbelt passengers and children are encouraged to wear seatbelts and are more likely to wear a seatbelt. Medical bills due to an accident from not wearing a seatbelt are increased by 50%. Wearing a seatbelt could have saved more than $585 billion in medical care and rel ated costs since 1975, which was stated by the Highway Traffic Safety Administration. That is why it is important to wear a seatbelt while operating a vehicle. Spc. Cooper, Cody B

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Childbirth and Midwife

In many parts of the world today there are still many women who use a midwife verses using an Obstetrician Gynecologist. However in the United States fewer than three percent of women who give birth are attended to by midwives (Kram and Eckstein,1990). It is stated that â€Å"In the United States that childbirth has become increasingly medicalined and specialized, first with family doctors or general practitioners taking over the process, then obstetricians, and today, perinatologist.These physician specialists are trained to see birth as an abnormal or pathological process requiring heroic interventions, rather than a natural process† (Kram and Eckstein, 1990). Midwives however view childbirth and pregnancy in a different light. They tend to view childbirth and pregnancy as a natural process. â€Å"Midwives are trained to see birth as a normal, physiological life event throughout which women must make their own choices in order to have control over their own experience †Å"(Kram and Eckstein,1990).The model of care that midwives go by is the belief that pregnancy and birth are normal life processes. The model of care includes monitoring all aspect of the woman well-being throughout the childbearing cycle, provide individualized care with hands on assistance during the birthing process, minimizing technological interventions, and identifying and referring women to obstetrical attention if needed (Midwife Alliance of North America,2013). I choose to do my research on midwives because I want to become one.The who process pregnancy and birthing intrigues me. The process is unique with every case and every woman handle and go through their pregnancy differently rather it be because health reason, religion, or simply because they wanted to go about the experience in a particular manner. Being a midwife I will see a lot of different things and face a lot of different challenges but the most rewarding part of the whole thing is bringing a new life into the world unharmed and healthy. I really like the care model that midwives believe in as well.I think that as a midwife you have a more intimate and closer relationship to your patient because instead of just telling a woman how her pregnancy is being planned out, most midwives take the time out to make a birthing plan and make sure to use the least amount of medicine possible is used so that there are no prolonged or future complications on the mother or unborn child. Though midwives do have comfort medicines that they will use in cases where the pain is unbearable or needed. The nursing care steps are related to just bout all aspect of nursing no matter what area. The nursing care steps are used frequently by a midwife. When a woman becomes a patient for a midwife the woman is first assessed. All her present and pass history is given and the midwife looks her over and gives her gives her a complete and thorough physical examination and make sure all her blood work is checked. After al l test and physical examinations are complete the midwife in conjunction with a doctor diagnosis the patient if needed and provide any extra care to ensure a healthy pregnancy.In most cases is a woman is considered high risk the midwife will refer her to an OB/GYN. Midwives tend to only take in low risk pregnancies because there is less complications that they will encounter being that most midwives lean toward all natural pregnancy’s. After all diagnoses are made the midwife and the patient formulates a birthing plan in which the midwife follows through on as long as the pregnancy goes according to plan with no complications.The implementation phase of the birthing process is how the midwife is actually handling the patient at all visits and how the pregnancy is progressing along. The evaluation phase like always is when the midwife evaluates if the birthing plan being accomplished in a healthy manner and to the patient liking, if there is found to be complications or someth ing that needs to be changed here in the evaluation phase is it done and then it is implemented into the nursing care plan once again. This ongoing cycle is not complete until the child is born and all postpartum care is complete.As a nurse midwife if would be my job to ensure that the patient is well educated about the pregnancy and what is to be expected. It is also the responsibility of the midwife to ensure that the patient is comfortable with every aspect of the birthing plan and feels comfortable being able to discuss what’s going on in her pregnancy. It is the responsibility of the midwife to ensure the safety and well-being of the patient and the unborn child. The midwife is to make sure that the pregnancy is going

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Write Best Illustrative Essays For College Level

How to Write Best Illustrative Essays For College Level Illustrative Essays For College Level Any focused student would have to handle an illustration essay that appears like an art and a design. Does an illustration essay help in composing visual pictures in our books? Oh, no. However, the name sounds as if that is what the students should be doing. Some tutors refer these kinds of essays as example essays since they consider them giving an insight to readers through their detailed process on a given situation and provide more information on something. Some teachers would prefer calling them descriptive kind of essays. You might be in a dilemma on which side to follow. If this happens to you ensure your tutor clarifies to you about his/her expectations in the provided assignment. Because these types of essays dont require a thesis statement, some expert assumes they are the easiest to write. To confirm this, let students show their understanding of a given idea. However, once you go through our detailed guide on the descriptive essay, you will be in a position to get a passing mark or even higher grade. What is Meant by Illustration Essay? The descriptive essays refer to the kind of essays that will give readers knowledge on an existing situation. Sometimes it may apply to current work by scholars. Occasionally, these kinds of work seek to provide an explanation, illumination, and evidence aimed at clearing the path on a series of processes, concept, and phenomenon. For instance, the question on: What does a doctor do? Could be responded using a descriptive kind of writing. This essay would cover all the description job and details of the doctor. All of these are essential information. As seen above descriptive would be very simple. On the other hand, you might be faced with a situation where you are expected to discuss the issue of racial discrimination. In support of the viewpoint that in promotions, non-whites are rarely given promotions and their payment is way less compared to their counterparts? Write this essay using reputable sources. This is another example of an illustrative essay that seems simple, but it is complex in a way. First, you are not asked to write any thesis statement. Any acceptable essay needs to describe as well as discuss the times and life of doctors. But to have an influential essay, you need to explain in detail the duties and goals of doctors following a provided thesis statement in your introduction. In your academic life, you will notice that there are other common instances like your instructor provides you with a thesis statement and requires you to discuss or illustrate more about it. The first thing to do when given such an assignment is to single out what you are expected to do in the task. Whether you are to expand on the provided thesis statement or write your thesis, however, if you still find it difficult understanding illustrative essays, feel free to contact our experienced tutors and you will get more than help. Outline for Illustrative Essay Some students will treat an illustrative essay so simple that they will even omit writing an outline. While writing a piece, an overview is a must regardless of its complexity. In most college assignments, you will be expected to explain or describe a given phenomenon or situation. So you need to have well-organized points before you begin writing. So you should write a good outline. However, you will not have to construct such a complex framework that will be a challenge for you. Most of the frameworks you will come across are more than just glorified points noted down. Example of Outline Hook: Statistics, exciting story, fact, or anecdote in your chosen topic. Introduce your topic. Explain the significance of exploring your topic further would be essential. Thesis statement. The first paragraph in the body: give a full illustration of your topic. In your second body paragraph: Give another significant factor explanation on your topic. Third paragraph: provide your readers with nuances and detailed information on your topic to help in harmonizing all your ideas. Conclusion: While concluding your essay, remember to restate your thesis statement but this time using a new version of the language. Mention in a laze some of your basic points you have discussed throughout your essay avoiding repetition of vocabulary. For your conclusion to be meaningful, ensure you have connected it to the more significant issue in society. Example of Illustration Essay If you ask any average citizen in the United States especially from New York on their opinion of gun control, they will suggest having strict gun control laws. However, if you ask an average citizen from Texas a similar question, you will be given an exact opposite answer. Gun control and usage have been an issue of concern in the United States for a lengthy period. Supporters and opposers of gun control have sharp points on why they support their stand on the matter. People have different opinions on whether guns in the United States keep them safe or not. One fact for sure is that gun control was once part of American society. If we take the city of New York, for instance, shooting cases in high school was common before 1969 when students used to bring guns with them to school and would turn them over either to their teacher or coach. This was just to keep teachers off their way whenever they wanted to do something. In the early days, young children would pick up their guns after school to go for a gun shooting practice peacefully without causing any confusion. Today, if a high school student brings a gun to school, there will be confusion and panic. One would wonder how things have from a peaceful society where young children would peacefully practice with firearms without posing a danger to anyone to a terror society where shootings have turned out to be the order of the day. The shift in society would be traced back to the media. The rise of video, film, and television has impacted the mental programming of both children and adults to that of violent citizens. This paper will show you how media violence has evolved and intensified over time and changed the perspective of youths on guns. Copious research shows that the relationship between exposure of citizens to violent media and violent society is directly proportional. The study further indicates that the highest risk of violence is the existence of violent electronic games that are popular in the current century. Also, Real aggressive emotions and media-stimulated experiences that are associated with the intention of revenge are significant factors of violence in both schools and violent. From the study, it was clear that the more we expose our children to violent movies like horror in their childhood times and the more they play violent electronic games, they will be more violent and uncontrollable as early as 14 years old. This study provides detailed information that shows how exposure of children to violent media during their sensitive times, when their brain is still under development would determine how they will handle stress and threats in their adulthood. Children who are constantly exposed to violent media as an acceptable means of solving conflict will have the message remain in their brain forever. That is why we find many children who are exposed to the media frequently being delinquency. It is like the constant view of violent films implant in their brain a new form of instruction that guides them throughout their life. Teenagers between 1940 and 1950s who were mostly in gun clubs in New York were never exposed to these kinds of violent films. That is why most of them were kind, non-violent and had learned better ways of solving issues when confronted with stressful situations. With them, they could only watch movies like ‘I Love Lucy and Leave it to Beaver. The two famous films of their time had no violence in them and nurtured a peaceful nation that was void of shootings. Go through all our essay examples and in any case you are stuck, ensure you have contacted our support team for assistance. Professionals have suggested that there is such a great connection between hostile behavior and violence in the media shown by youths. As a result, one could comfortably say that watching violent films in the press is the beginning of violent behavior in individuals. According to scholarly studies, exposure to violent whether online or offline is substantially associated with increased chances of violent acts shown by the youths today. Some teens even confirmed that most sites they come across have a lot of content showing people engaged in real violence. This research further shows that any form of violent whether online or offline or sometimes through video games that most youths enjoy playing would show signs of impressionable individuals. This might be simple to most of you, but the underlying reason why violent never existed in the 1950s was that some things like Purge franchise never lived. Sources that existed did not show the horrific violent like they are suffocating the current century. In the contemporary world, people who seek justice commit horrible acts like murder to those surrounding them. Unlike adults who can process and distinguish these kinds of media, youths would not do the same and would only implement what they see. They rarely differentiate between fantasy and reality in violent films. The real consequences of violent never appear to them as a crucial role to play. They seem not to have learned a lesson regarding the results of violent to them and the whole society. In the early films that were shown in the me dia, there was nothing like legal shooting; hence it was rare to find classmates shooting each other. They had nothing to trigger their mind to do such unacceptable actions in a society like taking the lives of others. In our community, potent stimulators are almost everywhere and difficult to avoid because of the way they present themselves to us. As a result, we have many cases of shooting to account for that is mainly from our youths. Another interesting study looked at the consequences of the media to the subjects from a biophysical approach. Researchers identified a particular group of individuals who had either aggressive or non-aggressive behaviors. After finding them, they then showed them violent media for a consecutive period of two years. A notable reaction was seen from biological responses was pinpointed when they were deliberately told to consume violent media. The energetic group recorded less brain activity compared to non-aggressive groups. This was observed mainly in the orbitofrontal cortex. This is a region in the human body that is responsible for all past studies and their related emotional decisions making and self-control. On the other hand, the aggressive group appeared to be more determined and inspired than when they had not watched the media. They were even nervous and less upset. This is quite funny as the aggressive group saw the violent film as something soothing and acknowledging their actions. The kind of violence that was shown to them appeared like something they are used to and liked most in their life. The movie energized them to do their aggressive actions more in the future knowing that they are right when doing so. This was a shocking discovery that showed there was a real problem when we promote violent media to the citizens and presenting it as a legitimate kind of behavior. This is because there are some people out there in the world who naturally have aggressive impulses and it will be dangerous trying to stimulate them. This will be like keeping a breed of hardcore criminals with the intention of terrorizing citizens in the future. Similarly, the study conclusion is worrying as it showed that aggression is a type of personality that develops in the nervous system as the child grows. As the child grows his behavior pattern becomes more solidified even at the adult stage when they are thought of personality. This might be the basis of existing distinct characteristics between aggressive and non-aggressive individuals and the role media plays towards motivating them to do specific actions. The summary of this study shows that media can motivate energetic people to behave aggressively. This is extremely dangerous, and the media should be cautious about it. In summary, we would say that the anger for gun control is most of the time misplaced. Instead of getting hungry for a tool that the youths use during their stressful moment, the focus should be directed towards the source of their action. There is a need to understand what triggers them to act aggressively. Throughout the paper, we have tried to demonstrate that the media is capable of influencing the youth negatively. It has the ability to teach and program them through all ugliness they see in the media that is meant to show them how to deal with frustration, depression, or anxiety. Therefore, we need to come up with alternative sources of entertainment for our children. Violence has always remained a derivative and predictable aspect resulting from the media. Thus, the need to be more vigilant on the type of content our children watches. Giving our children all the freedom of even watching violent media is a way of preparing them for antisocial behaviors soon. It will take combin ed effort to impact a reasonable change in all programmed content availed for the public for viewing. An illustrative essay will help you to present a general aspect of a given topic or situation with the use of details, interpretation, and facts. That is why most tutors prefer giving this kind of written assignments. As you write, provide enough examples in your assignment. This essay enables readers to understand the reason behind the existence of an individual situation or things. Successful illustration essay should leave readers with a deeper understanding of the subject giving them a detailed sense of clarity. Our experienced tutors have done a myriad of these essays and are fully aware of what instructors look for when they give out these assignments. In case you need help writing your piece, we have more than enough qualified writers ready to help you complete your work and get that grade you deserve.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Accountability Essay Example

Accountability Essay Example Accountability Essay Accountability Essay Without accountability of my fellow oldies I put them as well as myself in danger. If I dont know where my team is it is impossible to come to their aid if needed and vice versa. That being said it is a key part in being a leader for that exact reason. You cannot be an effective leader without knowing or at the very least have some type Of idea of the location of the ones you are leading and what they are doing at all times. Accountability in its self is a major part of not only being in the military, but many different aspects of life as well. The rules apply where ever you go. Parents must maintain accountability of their children, teachers must maintain accountability of their students, and supervisors must maintain accountability oftener workers. No matter what you do in life you will have to keep accountability of someone or something, and someone will most likely be keeping accountability of you, there is no getting around it. Most crimes happen when people are lost and/or nobody knows where they are. If somebody at least knows the general area of where you are they can find you a lot quicker than if they were just searching where you might be. That in its self could be the difference between life and death. People lose their jobs over accountability every day. Whether it be losing a file, or not calling in sick, or just not calling to tell somebody that they are going to be late for whatever reason. A lack of focus and accountability loses your package in the mail, your house hold goods when moving, or your paperwork at SSL . At school you have to keep track of your text books, supplies, and your schedule in order to operate smoothly. Accountability affects your everyday life without you even legalizing it. At this point in our lives it is no longer a job but a part of life and a sign of responsibility. Another sign of maturity is holding yourself accountable for your own actions. If you are one of those people who goes around making excuses for everything you do, people will begin to lose faith in you, and in turn you will not only lose your credibility but their trust as well. After a certain point excuses become less relevant or believable and you are seen and/or treated as if you were lying. No leader likes the It wasnt my fault, l as goanna, or see what had happened was guy/gal and you shouldnt want to be him/her. It is always better to hold yourself accountable for your own actions, you will gain a lot more respect that way. Once again accountability plays a major role in the quality of your everyday life and the lives of those around you as well. Good accountability or a lack of accountability can mean the difference in somebody getting paid the right amount or even at all. It could be the difference of receiving a tax refund or paying the state more Han what you owe.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

38 países que pueden ingresar a EE.UU. sin visa

38 paà ­ses que pueden ingresar a EE.UU. sin visa Los ciudadanos de 38 paà ­ses pueden ingresar sin visa a Estados Unidos cuando la finalidad de su viaje es hacer turismo, negocios o recibir tratamiento mà ©dico en aplicacià ³n del Programa de Exencià ³n o Exoneracià ³n de visas (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este artà ­culo se informa sobre cules son esos paà ­ses, cà ³mo aplica el VWP a las personas con doble nacionalidad, en quà © circunstancias se pierde este privilegio para viajar sin visa, cundo es obligatorio solicitar una Autorizacià ³n de Viaje conocida como ESTA y, finalmente, los inconvenientes de viajar sin visa a Estados Unidos, el caso especial de los canadienses y consejos para evitar tener problemas como turistas. Listado de 38 paà ­ses autorizados a ingresar sin visa Pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos sin visa al amparo del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados los ciudadanos de los siguientes paà ­ses cuando el fin del viaje es turismo, negocios o tratamiento mà ©dico: AlemaniaAndorraAustraliaAustriaBà ©lgicaBruneiChileCorea del SurDinamarcaEslovaquiaEsloveniaEspaà ±aEstoniaFinlandiaFranciaGreciaHolandaHungrà ­aIslandiaIrlandaItaliaJapà ³nLetoniaLiechtensteinLituaniaLuxemburgoMaltaMà ³nacoNoruegaNueva ZelandaPortugalReino Unido (sà ³lo Inglaterra, Escocia, Gales, Irlanda del Norte, Islas del Canal y de Man)Repà ºblica ChecaSan MarinoSingapurSueciaSuizaTaiwan Doble nacionalidad y VWP Frecuentemente se da el caso de que personas de Latinoamà ©rica tienen, adems, un pasaporte incluido en el listado de VWP, como por ejemplo, el espaà ±ol, el italiano o el portuguà ©s. Este beneficio  aplica tambià ©n, en principio, a esas personas que tienen doble nacionalidad. Es decir, aunque hayan nacido y vivan habitualmente en un paà ­s no incluido en el VWP si adems tienen un pasaporte de un paà ­s sà ­ incluido pueden utilizar este à ºltimo para ingresar y salir de EE.UU. sin visa para negocios o turismo. Por supuesto, no estn obligados a hacerlo, pero pueden si desean evitarse pagar por una visa y la visita al consulado o Embajada para la entrevista de solicitud. Sin embargo, existe una importante excepcià ³n a esa regla general y es que si una persona con doble nacionalidad tiene negada la solicitud de una visa americana o ha tenido una y le ha sido cancelada o revocada no puede viajar a EE.UU. con su otro pasaporte y sin pedir visa. Por ejemplo, un colombiano con doble nacionalidad colombiana y espaà ±ola que ha pedido una visa de turista a Estados Unidos con el pasaporte colombiano y la solicitud fue negada no puede ingresar a Estados Unidos sin visa con un pasaporte espaà ±ol. Requisitos bsicos y autorizacià ³n previa conocida como ESTA Para ingresar a Estados Unidos sin visa es necesario, adems de pertenecer a un paà ­s incluido en la lista de los VWP, cumplir los siguientes requisitos: En primer lugar, el fin de ingresar a Estados Unidos es una visita como turista, para hacer negocios o tratamiento mà ©dico. Por ejemplo, no se puede estudiar a tiempo completo ni cursos de inglà ©s ni educaciones ms regladas. En segundo lugar, para viajar sin visa es imprescindible no haber tenido jams una peticià ³n de visa negada, ni con un pasaporte de un paà ­s incluido en el VWP ni con otro. En tercer lugar, si se llega a EE.UU. por avià ³n en una aerolà ­nea comercial es necesario obtener previamente una autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica aprobada (ESTA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s).Si se llega en avià ³n privado es necesario solicitar una visa regular. Si se ha viajado con anterioridad a Estados Unidos, se requiere haber cumplido con todos los requisitos migratorios, como salir no quedarse ms tiempo del permitido. En esos casos, la solicitud de la ESTA serà ­a rechazada. Si se entra a Estados Unidos por visa terrestre no se pide la ESTA previamente al viaje, sino que se llena el formulario I-94W una vez que se est en el puesto migratorio. En otras palabras, se necesita pedir la ESTA si se llega a Estados Unidos por avià ³n comercial o barco y no se necesita si se llega por và ­a terrestre. En cuarto lugar, hay que tener un pasaporte electrà ³nico con fotografà ­a digital y chip. En la actualidad, prcticamente todos son ya asà ­. Finalmente, no se puede estar en la categorà ­a de inadmisible o inelegible para una visa americana. Si el oficial en el control del paso migratorio al llegar a Estados Unidos detecta alguna de esas circunstancias entonces rechazar permitir el ingreso al paà ­s de la persona extranjera. Excepcià ³n que aplica y no se puede viajar sin visa No pueden viajar sin visa a pesar de tener un pasaporte de un paà ­s incluido en el VWP y deben aplicar por una B-2 las personas que se encuentran en una de estas dos situaciones siguientes: han viajado a Irn, Irak, Libia, Somalia, Sudn, Siria o Yemen  con fecha el  1 de marzo de 2011 o posteriormente.tienen doble nacionalidad con Irn, Irak, Siria o Sudn. Si tuvieran una ESTA en activo, à ©sta se ha cancelado y ya no sirve para viajar a Estados Unidos. El Secretario de Seguridad Interna (Homeland Security) puede permitir excepciones a esa regla para personas que hayan viajado a esos paà ­ses por negocios legà ­timos, por ser periodistas o por ser miembros de organizaciones internacionales u ONGs. Tambià ©n se permiten excepciones cuando la presencia responda a fines diplomticos o militares. Inconvenientes de ingresar a EE.UU. sin visa Ingresar sin visa tiene las ventajas de que no hay que pagar la cuota por la misma y que no hay que acudir a la entrevista en el consulado. Sin embargo, viajar sin visa puede tener una importante desventaja y es que bajo ninguna circunstancia la estancia en EE.UU. puede ser superior a 90 dà ­as. No es posible pedir una ampliacià ³n de la estancia ni pedir un cambio a una visa. La à ºnica posibilidad es salir del paà ­s o, en caso contrario, la persona se quedar en situacià ³n de ilegal desde el punto de vista migratorio. Para ampliar a ese plazo no se puede intentar engaà ±ar al sistema saliendo por unos dà ­as a Canad, Mà ©xico o Bahamas. No se van a obtener dà ­as extras. Paà ­ses con los que se negocia posible inclusià ³n en programa VWP Desde hace aà ±os, los Estados Unidos est negociando ampliar el programa a otros nueve paà ­ses. Pero no hay fecha de cunto eso podrà ­a convertirse en una realidad. Son estos: ArgentinaBrasilBulgariaChipreIsraelPoloniaRumanà ­aTurquà ­aUruguay Argentina y Uruguay ya pertenecieron a este grupo. El primero fue excluido en 2002 y el segundo un aà ±o ms tarde. Ciudadanos de Canad, pasos migratorios Los canadienses pueden entrar sin visa a Estados Unidos como turistas por un plazo mximo de seis meses. No pertenecen al grupo de VWP. Simplemente no necesitan visado. Para acelerar el paso de control migratorio en los aeropuertos, los ciudadanos de estos paà ­ses del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados pueden utilizar el sistema APC (control de pasaportes automatizado). Si se desea aprender ms, se recomienda tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples para asegurarte de que conoces todas las reglas fundamentales sobre viajar sin visa y la autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica conocida como ESTA. Para no tener problemas, lo mejor es evitarlos sabiendo cà ³mo. Evitar errores y disfrutar Estados Unidos como turista Para conservar tanto la visa de turista como el derecho a ingresar sin visa, es importante evitar estos  8 errores. Adems es importante conocer cules son las consecuencias  de quedarse ms tiempo del permitido  en los Estados Unidos y con  cunta frecuencia se puede ingresar  sin problemas.   Si se desea aprender ms, se recomienda tomar este  test de respuestas mà ºltiples  para asegurarte de que conoces todas las reglas fundamentales sobre viajar sin visa y la autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica conocida como ESTA. Para no tener problemas, lo mejor es evitarlos sabiendo cà ³mo. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Plan A Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Plan A - Assignment Example The teachers and universities have to play the role of greatest inspirers in the lives of their students (Gilley, Gilley and McMillan 2009). The education is having an ultimate purpose of making students human more than anything. The students have been known to remain dissatisfied after having everything one can imagine in life to have and in spite of having all that they remain empty from the inside. The feelings of emptiness can only be removed if one makes the much needed effort to improve the lives of others (Peck 2005) and that is what, educational world is not teaching in all parts of the world. People are getting educated but humanity is dying out because business institutions are creating professionals with capitalistic mindset who plan in order to eat away the world so that they can become capable of maximizing their monetary gains. The education’s sole meaning of creating good humans is getting compromised. Business planning is an integral part of an effort of starting a new venture. The new businesses have to pinpoint customers’ unfulfilled demands which they have the ability to meet in the near future (Auger, et al. 2003). Everything in this universe is created with a purpose and with long-term and short-term objectives. The newly started businesses have to find out their reason of existence before plunging to the hot zone of the industry. The companies in every field of life have to create a blue sea environment for themselves as MTV did in the summers of 2007 when they entered into Arabian market. However, it was a risk of a significant magnitude but they managed it with the help of being vigilant and exercising cultural and societal sensitivity, they have emerged as an entertainment giant in the current times. A similar strategy is required when it comes to managing businesses throughout the world. The businesses are also required to establish in front of the people of cert ain geographical locations that they are operating in

Legal Ascts of the Nursing - Homework # 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal Ascts of the Nursing - Homework # 3 - Essay Example Patient safety entails knowing and reducing factors that may cause medical errors, communication of any relevant patient information to other medical health care providers, and disclosure of patient information (Byers & Susan 84). In the case in question, health care provider’s responsibility of maintaining patient safety is on the limelight. This is because the patients and health care society view health care providers as quality and safety leaders. Among the different roles that a physician should execute, he or she should take part actively in practice-specific activities that result to patient safety (Byers & Susan 88). Though the doctors restrained Mr. Garcia to prevent self harm, they failed to provide a direct one-to-one observation to Mr. Garcia, who later escaped from the hospital. Therefore, Mr. Garcia’s escape from the hospital can be linked to the physicians’ failure to observe him closely. In addition, communication of relevant patient information to other health care practitioners is a principle eminent in the case. It is the responsibility of health care practitioners to inform other health care providers about a patient. In the case in question, the physicians would have informed other health care providers within the hospital (Byers & Susan, 94). This would have, to some degree, averted Mr. Garcia’s escape. In this case, the hospital and the staff members are the defendants. In law, a defendant refers to the individual or an entity against whom an action is brought in a court of law. The organization can be held liable for the death of Mr. Garcia due to the actions of the employees. The employees act as agents of the organizations and their actions amount to actions of the organization. However, the police can also be held liable to some extend for the death of Mr. Garcia. In this case, the physicians who are employees of the organization did not exercise full responsibility in ensuring Mr. Garcia’s

Friday, October 18, 2019

MHE503 Survey of Emergency and Disaster Mgt Module 2 SLP Essay

MHE503 Survey of Emergency and Disaster Mgt Module 2 SLP - Essay Example 1. STORM: 36095.9 Number of Deaths 2. FLOOD: 3068.3 Number of Deaths 3. MASS MOVEMENT WET: 2710.4 Number of Deaths 4. EPIDEMIC: 571.1 Number of Deaths Columns 4: Rank the disasters in terms of average number affected per disaster during the past 30 years. Use a scale between 1 and 4, with '1' referring to the highest number affected per disaster and '4' referring to the lowest number affected per disaster. 1. STORM: 95717646 Total Affected 2. FLOOD: 14312765 Total Affected 3. MASS MOVEMENT WET: 333895 Total Affected 4. EPIDEMIC: 17803.1 Total affected Columns 5: Rank the disasters in terms of average cost per disaster during the past 30 years. Use a scale between 1 and 4, with '1' referring to the highest cost per disaster and '4' referring to the lowest cost per disaster. AVERAGE COST RANKING 1. STORM: $5502262.3 2. FLOOD: $1256048.9 3. MASS MOVEMENT WET: $34712.2 4. EPIDEMIC: $0 Columns 6: Rank the disasters in terms of expected warning time as follows: 1) no warning, 2) 1-24 hours warning, 3) >24 hours warning. Mass Movement Wet: [possible no warning] Flood: [1-24 hours warning] Epidemic: [1-24 hours warning] Storm: [warning] Columns 7: As a disaster manager for this country, how would you rank these disasters in terms of priority Using the information in the table, rank the disasters in terms of priority, with '1' being the highest priority. Provide a brief justification for your priority rating. 1. STORM 2. FLOOD 3. MASS MOVEMENT WET 4. EPIDEMIC Reasoning: Storm is noted as the most common disaster in the Philippines. Putting it in a high risk note could be hoped to eliminate the possible dangers that flood and mass movement wet... Columns 4: Rank the disasters in terms of average number affected per disaster during the past 30 years. Use a scale between 1 and 4, with '1' referring to the highest number affected per disaster and '4' referring to the lowest number affected per disaster. Columns 5: Rank the disasters in terms of average cost per disaster during the past 30 years. Use a scale between 1 and 4, with '1' referring to the highest cost per disaster and '4' referring to the lowest cost per disaster. Columns 7: As a disaster manager for this country, how would you rank these disasters in terms of priority Using the information in the table, rank the disasters in terms of priority, with '1' being the highest priority. Provide a brief justification for your priority rating. Reasoning: Storm is noted as the most common disaster in the Philippines. Putting it in a high risk note could be hoped to eliminate the possible dangers that flood and mass movement wet could cause the country. Apparently, as reports note it, storm is the basic source of the other particular disastrous events which could or could not include epidemic in the list. 2. Select a high priority disaster for the remainder of your session-long project. Describe the sectors within your country that would be most vulnerable to your selected disaster. Explain why these sectors would be most vulnerable. Storms are likely to occur within the boundaries of the country that faces the ocean where the wind hits

A Critical Assessment of Martin Wights Why Is There No International Essay

A Critical Assessment of Martin Wights Why Is There No International Theory - Essay Example Wight claims that this paucity is compounded by â€Å"intellectual and moral poverty†¦[due to] the intellectual prejudice imposed by the sovereign State, and the belief in progress† (1960/2000, p. 30). He argues that there is no body of knowledge in international theory, understood as â€Å"speculation about the society of states, or the family of nations, or the international community† (Wight, 2000, 28), to match the successes of political theory, understood as â€Å"speculation about the state† (Wight, 2000, p. 27). The â€Å"theory of the good life† (Wight, 2000, p. 39), political theory’s central concern, was deemed incompatible with the study of international relations (IR), since the latter is understood to be primarily engaged with survival. In this essay, we shall evaluate Wight’s criticism of international theory and shall attempt to show his damaging claim failed to take into account the changes in the international which were already evident at the time. For conceptual clarity, we henceforth use international theory and IR theory interchangeably. The sources of international theory which Wight identifies form an eclectic mix of international law (Grotius and Prufendorf), writings of â€Å"irenists† such as Erasmus and Sully, Machiavellian elements, the â€Å"parerga† of political theorists, philosophers and historians (Hume, Rousseau, and Burke), and the speeches, despatches and other documents of statesmen of old, like Gentz and Bismarck (Wight, 2000, pp. 28-30). To reiterate the paucity of IR theory, he maintains that most of these works remain penetrable only by the scholar, making the international somewhat of an ivory tower.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critically evaluate which theoretical approach in International Essay

Critically evaluate which theoretical approach in International Political Economy best explains the nature of power in the inter - Essay Example Governments have to relate with other government. Governments must also consider the non state actors if they are to have an impact in the trade and policies. Some states are influenced by liberal theories. Trade must be having some duty and tariffs. These tariffs are sources of government revenues. Mercantilists’ theory has also been instrumental in the International Political Economy. Liberalisms dates back to the revolutions in the 18th century. The mercantilist financial arrangement developed into free enterprise. They were initially termed as centrists believed there should be little state intervention in the economy. According to the liberal economic theory, states were discouraged to minimize intervention in the economy. The theory advocated for free market and believed that internal markets should have negligible intervention from the state. The theory suggested that tariffs should not be used to prevent competition between countries (Eatwell & Wright). According to Co mfort, the initial liberal market theory advocated for a free market approach and was referred to as left wing or centrist in terms of outlook (Agh 1998). The liberal theory was enshrined on the premise that people can acquire wealth and property whenever they want. The basis was that freedom in culture and belief was influential in developing capital and gaining property. According to Wright, states, individuals and businesses were encouraged to freely gain capital under the liberal theory. The classical liberal approach suggested that free market should come up with system of setting the process of goods and services. The theory set currency exchanges and wages and resources. The move depended on sheer optimism in the free market (Smith 2003). However, it became clear that fluctuations in the free market have caused serious consequences politically and economically. This has resulted in unemployment and poverty. This has made international competition hard. Governments have attemp ted to deal with this challenge by establishing strict tariffs on goods. Governments have attempted to set up welfare or subsidizing businesses and industries. According to Harvey, tariffs and restricting trade were the foundation and reasoning behind the capitalist premise. The theory suggests that the government should be involved in restricting trade and controlling the flow of goods and services. The government does this in an attempt to reduce the challenges that are created by international competition (Ambrose & Brinkley 1997). The government believes that the use of tariffs shields the populace from international trade aggression and becomes a dominant source of revenue. During the 19th century, the theory of broadmindedness was the popular in IPE. Britain dominated the global trade by lifting restrictions. This facilitated Britain’s spread in the international trade arena (Smith 2003). The liberal theory of the power of international political economy seemed unassail able. According to research, the economic elites in many developing countries had no reservations in playing subordinates because they made profits in the process. Nonetheless, steps were made to start restricting trade. The initial moves came from the United States of America and Germany. The United Kingdom started to doubt the free market venture. After the First World War, the prominence of the liberal theory appeared to decline in the sphere of international

Individual Strategy Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Individual Strategy Assignment - Essay Example Value proposition, which states the specific benefits that a product or service provider offers the customer, is a necessity for every organization. Indeed, a company that lacks a clear and singular value proposition is similar to an individual without energy and power, and, therefore, lacks the ability to champion the occurrence of various aspects. Additionally, it is only through the value proposition that a company is able to convince the customers that indeed the products and services offered are the best among the other competitors and that the customers should only make purchase choice on their products and services. Apple is such a company with great brand and value proposition. Based on the above perspective, this paper discusses the development of Apple’s value proposition and factors supporting the value proposition including organizational task statements. One critical aspect that every company or organizations put in the minds of the consumers is that their lives will improve significantly by the purchase of the company’s brand. Such is usually the idea that centers on company’s brand building. However, in the case of Apple, the company has gone overboard by creating products that seem like consumers must have. Additionally, in building their brand, Apple works on establishing an idea in the minds of their customers that there were no products and services like any other in the market, and as such, the customers never had an alternative but to buy their products. Ideally, Apple success rests in the building of assets that distinguish them from the rest, enabling the consumers no any alternative to their products. As such, Apple has developed its value proposition with a perception on the consumers’ minds that Apple’s products and services remain the best in the industry. Whenever a customer asks for a reason as to why they should buy a particular company’s product or need their service, the company’s value proposition

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critically evaluate which theoretical approach in International Essay

Critically evaluate which theoretical approach in International Political Economy best explains the nature of power in the inter - Essay Example Governments have to relate with other government. Governments must also consider the non state actors if they are to have an impact in the trade and policies. Some states are influenced by liberal theories. Trade must be having some duty and tariffs. These tariffs are sources of government revenues. Mercantilists’ theory has also been instrumental in the International Political Economy. Liberalisms dates back to the revolutions in the 18th century. The mercantilist financial arrangement developed into free enterprise. They were initially termed as centrists believed there should be little state intervention in the economy. According to the liberal economic theory, states were discouraged to minimize intervention in the economy. The theory advocated for free market and believed that internal markets should have negligible intervention from the state. The theory suggested that tariffs should not be used to prevent competition between countries (Eatwell & Wright). According to Co mfort, the initial liberal market theory advocated for a free market approach and was referred to as left wing or centrist in terms of outlook (Agh 1998). The liberal theory was enshrined on the premise that people can acquire wealth and property whenever they want. The basis was that freedom in culture and belief was influential in developing capital and gaining property. According to Wright, states, individuals and businesses were encouraged to freely gain capital under the liberal theory. The classical liberal approach suggested that free market should come up with system of setting the process of goods and services. The theory set currency exchanges and wages and resources. The move depended on sheer optimism in the free market (Smith 2003). However, it became clear that fluctuations in the free market have caused serious consequences politically and economically. This has resulted in unemployment and poverty. This has made international competition hard. Governments have attemp ted to deal with this challenge by establishing strict tariffs on goods. Governments have attempted to set up welfare or subsidizing businesses and industries. According to Harvey, tariffs and restricting trade were the foundation and reasoning behind the capitalist premise. The theory suggests that the government should be involved in restricting trade and controlling the flow of goods and services. The government does this in an attempt to reduce the challenges that are created by international competition (Ambrose & Brinkley 1997). The government believes that the use of tariffs shields the populace from international trade aggression and becomes a dominant source of revenue. During the 19th century, the theory of broadmindedness was the popular in IPE. Britain dominated the global trade by lifting restrictions. This facilitated Britain’s spread in the international trade arena (Smith 2003). The liberal theory of the power of international political economy seemed unassail able. According to research, the economic elites in many developing countries had no reservations in playing subordinates because they made profits in the process. Nonetheless, steps were made to start restricting trade. The initial moves came from the United States of America and Germany. The United Kingdom started to doubt the free market venture. After the First World War, the prominence of the liberal theory appeared to decline in the sphere of international

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Multi-unit manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The Multi-unit manager - Essay Example Practical and Implications – The knowledge obtained from this study will help the multi-unit restaurant operation in the development of Human resource in terms of recruitment, selection and training needs. Introduction In the United Kingdom, the service industry represented over 77.1 percent of Gross Domestic Production in 2010 (CAI Fact book, 2011). There are many international hotels such as Hiltons or Accor that have expanded all over the world. In restaurant sector, most restaurants seem to be a small business or family business, which has only one unit. After raising more profit, the business tends to expand its outlets to both national and overseas level. McDonald’s, for example, has expanded its branches, which are approximately 31,000 restaurants in 2010 (Ritzer 2011). Multi-unit restaurants could be defined as a company which rivals in the sector with more than one unit of a concept or theme (Olesen et al 1992). Due to intense competitiveness in the restaurant sector, cost reduction and standardization have been consistently focused on in multi-unit firms in order to get returns on investment of its brand (Jones 1993). In a chain of restaurants, â€Å"manager of managers† or the manager who operates between operations and cooperate level managers is called as the Multi-unit manager (Drucker 1995). According to Goss-Turner (1999), in a multi-unit firm or the multi-unit area responsible for 2 to15 units, the responsibilities of the Multi-unit managers are to concentrate on strategy of business rather than single unit operations. As a result of standardizations that have increased in nineteenth century, the multi-unit has grown along with systematic assessment for selection of training for the multi-unit manager (Goss-Turner 1999). It could be seen that with the intention of expanding in chain, multi restaurant outlets and the multi-unit area need to develop simultaneously. To gain a competitive advantage, the company should be able t o develop quality of their employees especially the multi-unit manager. It can be said that most of the academic study has focused on the role, responsibilities and skills of single-unit operation, but on the multi-unit company. The skills of the area manager are likely to be different from the single unit managers. Umbreit and Smith (1990) claimed that almost all the area managers are recruited from single units. Consequently, the multi-unit managers have faced problems in making the transition from single-units to multi-units because of the role, responsibility and skills that are different from single operation managers. Umbreit and Tomlin (1986) surveyed many multi-food services and highlighted that most functions of the multi-unit managers are related to restaurant operation, human resource, and finance. Subsequently, Muller and Campbell (1995) also showed that human resource was the most significant issue for the multi-unit managers. In addition, in 2009 human resource, restau rant operation and finance were still the major requirements for the multi-unit manager position. For these reasons, at the heart of this study is to analyze the roles, responsibilities and skills of the multi-unit managers in restaurant industry by providing a case study of Pan Asia group. A semi structure conducts interview of the multi-unit

Monday, October 14, 2019

Global Youth Culture Essay Example for Free

Global Youth Culture Essay Culture obviously varies all around the world from country to country, but the basics are always the same. What makes up culture? Does culture change based on the age of the people or the different generations? Culture consists of language, entertainment through mediums such as music, movies, literature, etc. , fashion, art, food, and more. Culture most definitely changes depending on where you are in the world. For example, it can be as simple as spoken word. The language we speak here in American is vastly different then language spoken over in China or France, and that is one of the fundamental building blocks of culture differences. One thing that is really great and unique about the United States of America is that we have such a diverse mix of people and cultures. America has often been referred to as the â€Å"melting pot† because of the variety of people we have living here. Our culture as a nation has been shaped and molded from all of the people from other places in the world. As a young adult in America, I pay a lot of attention to many parts of our culture such as music, movies, books, and fashion. After exploring the web for blogs from different countries, I found that that doesn’t change throughout the globe. A twenty-year-old student that lives over in London, England is a lot more like me than you might guess. This one blog called â€Å"London Culture Blog† especially caught my attention. I stopped on this blog and started scrolling through some of the posts and realized that a lot of what they are talking about are things that my friends and I talk about too. This was pleasant surprise because ever since I was little, I’ve always wanted to go to England and be just like the British. I thought it was so cool having an accent, wearing cute uniforms to school and having a leading royalty. Although that is still a dream I’ve yet to live out, it was really interesting looking at this blog and seeing that I’m not that far off. Some of the posts on the blog were about things that we talk about in America too, for instance, the movie/ musical Les Miserables as well as International superstar, Justin Bieber. It is very cool to me that there are those parts of our culture that is shared by people all over the world. I find it very comforting and interesting that I could be listening to a Bieber song at the same time as someone across the world. However, as to be expected, parts of the blogs were about artists I have never heard of, and those posts were just as fascinating. I found myself reading about a certain British musician and getting so intrigued that I had to go look up their music. I read a post about a young male musician named Jake Bugg. He was born and raised in England and his music often reflects that. The blogger said, â€Å"His influences stretch back 40 years – he’s got some of the basic song structures of early Beatles’ tracks and there’s more than a hint of the Bob Dylan troubadour style too. He also takes inspiration from the more recent generation of Britpop; at times, he sounds like an early, acoustic version of Oasis. † When I listened to some of his songs, they sound completely different than songs you would hear on everyday radio in America and that’s just because the difference of culture. In my opinion, British music is a lot more meaningful and deep and actually causes you to think and relate to the lyrics unlike some American music. Global youth culture around the world is a lot more similar than I thought I would find. I expected it to be a lot different but the fact is that we feed off each other. We use other cultures to constantly shape and change our own and vice versa. Whether it’s fashion, music, cuisine, or dance, we take ideas and use them to create a new addition to our culture. That’s what ties this whole world together and keeps us so connected.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of President Roosevelts Pearl Harbor Speech

Rhetorical Analysis of President Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor Speech The Pearl Harbor address to the nation is probably one of the most famous speeches made throughout time. In this essay I will evaluate the rhetorical effectiveness of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's famous speech and show that his speech is a successful argument for the United States of America. I will focus on the speaker's credibility, all the different appeals made throughout the speech, as well as the purpose and the audience of the speech. Also, I will discuss whether or not there are any logical fallacies that may have weakened his speech. President Roosevelt does a few specific things to be able to establish his credibility as a speaker. Since Roosevelt was the current president, the United States was inclined to listen to him and believe what he was saying. Being the president, the people knew that he was a credible source to receive information from. The president had also been appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy in 1920. This shows that he had experience with the United States military services and knew how to handle the Pearl Harbor situation. Roosevelt?s speech is short, but it still utilizes pathos, ethos, and logos and has just enough detail to let the world know what was going on. The author of this essay is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was the president of the United States at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack. The purpose of this speech was to inform the entire United States about what had happened the day before at Pearl Harbor. The nation was to be warned that the United States was going to declare war against Japan. The intended audience is everyone in the United States. President Roosevelt ef... ... was a well-written and very credible speech that President Roosevelt gave to the United States of America. Through all the different appeals he makes a successful argument for declaring was. He makes many statements that could have only been made by someone who really knew what was going on. With all the facts he proves that he does know what he is talking about and that everyone should believe him. This speech gave just the right amount of information to be able to let people know what was going on without too much detail that may confuse them. The president did not commit logical fallacies in his speech. It was strictly facts and events that had taken place. The fact that there are no logical fallacies makes it a more credible speech, as well as a successful argument. So, this speech was very successful in the way that the ideas were put together and written.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Hobbit By J. R. R. Tolkien :: essays research papers

The Hobbit By J. R. R. Tolkien The story begins with a small fellow by the name of Bilbo Baggins â€Å"The Hobbit† he lives is in his house and doing what hobbits do during the day. The first few chapters tell you what a hobbit is and what a hobbit looks like and also what his home looks like. Hobbits are smaller then dwarves and eat much more then dwarves do, hobbits eat six meals a day. Bilbo is cleaning his house and preparing for a meal when an old friend of his comes past his doorway and starts to chat with Bilbo about all his adventures he has been on. After a while of talking in Bilbo’s hobbit home he tricks poor Mr. Baggins into join a journey with Thirteen dwarves to revive their lost city that was over ran by â€Å"Smuag†, a mysterious dragon that was used for delivering messages from dwarves and elves. To continue with the story after the talk with his friend, who is a wizard. Gandalf invites himself over again and ask to bring some friends, and Bilbo, a polite and well-mannered hobbit could not say no. The next morning the doorbell rings and Bilbo happily opens the door, but in his shock it is not Gandalf but it is a group of dwarves twelve dwarves in hoods. As he invites them in they all introduce themselves and at the end of their introduction the last words are â€Å"at your service†, their names are Balin, Dwalin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur, and last but not least Thorin Okensheild these were the last of their kind. They were the cities last hope of bringing back the city. That night the dwarves stayed at Bilbo’s house with extra bedrooms. And the next morning they would start the real journey to their destiny. That morning Bilbo got up late and was left with dishes from his company and was the only one to clean them up. After washing the dishes he sat down to have a smoke with his pipe and was disturbed again, but it was Gandalf telling him that they are staying at the town inn. As he rushed to meet them he made it they’re just in time and they started discussing the plan (for Bilbo was their burglar and his job was to find the entrance to the secret door on the mountain where Smuag lay asleep) after the plan was discussed they set out on their journey to revive the lost city.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Moult Hall Essay

This report was commissioned by the committee of the North West Trust for the Protection of Wildlife to analyses the financial statements of two project proposals for the Trust. The First statement is a projection profit statement for running a quad bike activity center by Winston Barkwith. The Second and Third statement are a comparison of Johnathan’s and Ingrid’s proposal without or with Local Authority funding. Findings: Winston’s proposal does not appear to be in the best interests of the Trust in relation to its three main aims. Questions remain to be answered about the source of Revenue for Winston’s proposal. Johnathan and Ingrid’s proposal with the prospect of Local Authority funding and is deeply in the best interests of the Trust. QUESTION 1 (A) This profit statement included the capital costs to set up the project as Winston will be proposing this to the Trust and the trust would need to be made aware of the all costs including set up costs. We are not told who will finance the set-up costs, we are not told if they will be financed by capital or if they will be paid for by the trust and for that reason they are included in the profit statement. QUESTION 1 (B) QUESTION 1 (C) IS THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE PROPOSAL PROJECT REASONABLE IN RELATION TO THE COST OF SIMILAR PROJECTS? The committee would need further information regarding the proposals to make a decision. If they could compare the projects to similar ones they could make a more accurate decision. It may be easy to make a decision based on Jonathan and Ingrid’s proposal as Jonathan and Ingrid may be able to obtain copies of financial reports from Johnstone House which would make for easy comparison. There is nothing that we are told of to compare Winston’s proposal with. WHERE IS THE PROJECT PROPOSAL FINANCE COMING FROM? Winston has not declared where the finance will come from to finance his project. The committee would need to evaluate where he is getting his finance from for his proposal. If Winston’s plan failed they may be left with no income. The project needs to be financially sustainable. DOES THE PROJECT PROPOSAL FULFIL POLICIES AND AIMS? The committee will need to assess whether or not the Winston’s proposal fit in with the aims of the Trust. At a quick glance we can see that Johnathan and Ingrid’s proposal seems to fit reasonably well with the main goals of the Trust and would benefit the local community greatly and not endanger the existing plant and wildlife. However looking at Winston’s proposal it seems to benefit an exclusive rich club and not the wider community and also there may be a negative impact of the existing plant and wildlife because of the noise and air pollution and removal of natural habitats. THE BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT PROPOSERS. The Trust would need to evaluate what is the motivation behind both of the project proposals. The fact that Winston will retain any surplus income  himself should be alarming to the Trust as it would not be reinvested into the trust. Winston’s primary aim seems to be a profit for himself. Whereas Johnathan and Ingrid who are on the committee longer seem to have a project based on the true aims of the trust and that is the benefit of the community and the environment. QUESTION 3. DISCUSS THE FINANCIAL AND NON-FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF WINSTON’S PROPOSAL AND ITS POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES IN RELATION TO THE TRUST FULFILLING ITS STATED AIMS. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Trust will now have a regular fixed income of â‚ ¬750000.00 per year. This could be beneficial as they may have more time to concentrate on the aims of the trust instead of spending a lot of time fundraising. The Trust has recently hired two new staff to co-ordinate fund-raising activities, it is unclear now whether or not they will still be needed for fundraising activities, they may have to be let go. The upkeep and maintenance of the bedrooms and the hall reception rooms will be funded for by Winston’s proposal, that’s a good thing as it wouldn’t have to come out of fundraising activities. The trust may even stand to gain more from the rich clients who are coming to stay may even financially support the trust there may be new opportunities of holding banquet events where all their fundraising could be done in one or two nights throughout the year . There is no mention of where Winston’s set up costs come from – we are not told if they are financed or paid for and will the trust be expected to fund these? The Surplus money from Winston’s project is going to him it is not being re-invested in the Trust. NON-FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Winston’s proposal does not fit in with the three aims of the trust: The natural habitat of the Kites and other wildlife maybe destroyed as a new track will be built and existing trees will be cut down. The petrol pollution from the Quads may kill the small rodents which is the main food source for red kites. The local residents and community will not benefit from the local countryside. Health and safety laws would have to be considered if it was to remain open to the public. Winston’s proposal does not facilitate the education of the regions young people. The local residents and community may be unhappy if they hear what they have lost through Winston’s proposal. They may even protest against the felling of trees and new tracks been made. It could attract a lot of unwanted attention for Winston from the media. Eco warriors could take up residence in the woodland. Winston’s Rich clients may not like the unwanted attention and they may not even come to stay.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Honors lab Chemistry Essay

0.032 g Volume of gas collected (mL) 30mL Barometric pressure (atm) 1.1 atm Room Temperature ( °C) 22  °C Vapor pressure of the water (torr) 19.8 torr Calculations: 1. Write the balanced equation for the reaction conducted in this lab, including appropriate phase symbols. (2 points) Mg(s) + 2HCl(a) + H2O(a) -> MgCl2(s) + H2 (g) 2. Determine the partial pressure of the hydrogen gas collected in the gas collection tube. (3 points) 1.1 atm = 0.026 atm + h2 3. Calculate the moles of hydrogen gas collected. (4 points) ! n = 1.074 atm x 0.03 L / 0.0821 x 295.15 K = 0.00133 mol H2 4. If magnesium was the limiting reactant in this lab, calculate the theoretical yield of the gaseous product. Show all steps of your calculation. (4 points) .032 g Mg * 1 mol Mg / 24.305 g Mg * 1mol h2 / 1 mol Mg = 0.0131 mol 5. Determine the percent yield of this reaction, showing all steps of your calculation. (3 points) Percent Yield = 0.00133 /0.0131 mol H2 Ãâ€" 100 = 10. 15 % Conclusion: 1. Would the following errors increase, decrease, or have no effect on the calculated moles of gas collected in the experiment? Explain your answers in complete sentences. a) The measured mass of the magnesium was smaller than the true mass. (3 points) It would not affect the number of moles calculated because it was not used to measure the moles of the gas. b) The actual temperature of the hydrogen gas is less than room temperature. (3 points) If the gas was cooler than its surroundings, its density would be greater, and the volume would appear to be smaller. Charles’ Law says that a gas’ volume is directly proportional to its temperature, if the pressure on it is constant. 2. Explain in terms of particle collisions and Dalton’s law why it can be assumed that the total pressure inside the gas collection tube is equal to the atmospheric pressure outside of the tube. (4 points) The particles inside the container are exerting force on the walls of the container, while the particles outside of the container are also exerting force. If there were any less pressure from the inside, the tube would collapse. If there were any less pressure from the outside, the tube would explode. 3. If an undetected air bubble was trapped inside the gas collection tube, how would this affect your calculated percent yield? Explain your answer. (4 points) The bubble would take up space in the container and the volume would decrease. Therefore the percentage yield would be incorrect.

Accounting Software Installation Project

The Accounting Software Installation Project (from Larson, E. E. , and Gray, C. F. , 2011 Project Management – the managerial process, fifth edition p441) Sitting in her office, Karin Chung is reviewing the past four months of the large corporate accounting software installation project she has been managing. Everything seemed so well planned before the project started. Each company division had a task force that provided input into the proposed installation along with potential problems. All the different divisions had been trained and briefed on exactly how their division would interface and use the forthcoming accounting software.All six contractors, which included one of the Big Five consulting companies, assisted in developing the work breakdown structure—costs, specifications, time. Karin hired a consultant to conduct a one-day â€Å"partnering† workshop attended by the major accounting heads, a member of each task force group, and key representatives from each of the contractors. During the workshop, several different team-building exercises were used to illustrate the importance of collaboration and effective communication. Everyone laughed when Karin fell into an imaginary acid pit during a human bridge-building exercise.The workshop ended on an upbeat note with everyone signing a partnering charter that expressed their commitment to working together as partners to complete the project. TWO MONTHS LATER One task force member came to Karin to complain that the contractor dealing with billing would not listen to his concerns about problems that could occur in the Virginia division when billings are consolidated. The contractor had told him, the task force member, he had bigger problems than consolidation of billing in the Virginia division.Karin replied, â€Å"You can settle the problem with the contractor. Go to him and explain how serious your problem is and that it will have to be settled before the project is completed. † Later in the week in the lunchroom she overheard one consulting contractor bad-mouthing the work of another—â€Å"never on time, interface coding not tested. † In the hallway the same day an accounting department supervisor told her that tests showed the new software will never be compatible with the Georgia division’s accounting practices.While concerned, Karin considered these problems typical of the kind she had encountered on other smaller software projects. Case FOUR MONTHS LATER The project seemed to be falling apart. What happened to the positive attitude fostered at the team-building workshop? One contractor wrote a formal letter complaining that another contractor was sitting on a coding decision that was delaying their work. The letter went on: â€Å"We cannot be held responsible or liable for delays caused by others. The project was already two months behind, so problems were becoming very real and serious. Karin finally decided to call a meeting of all parties to the project and partnering agreement. She began by asking for problems people were encountering while working on the project. Although participants were reluctant to be first for fear of being perceived as a complainer, it was not long before accusations and tempers flared out of control. It was always some group complaining about another group.Several participants complained that others were sitting on decisions that resulted in their work being held up. One consultant said, â€Å"It is impossible to tell who’s in charge of what. † Another participant complained that although the group met separately on small problems, it never met as a total group to assess new risk situations that developed. Karin felt the meeting had degenerated into an unrecoverable situation. Commitment to the project and partnering appeared to be waning. She quickly decided to stop the meeting and cool things down.She spoke to the project stakeholders: â€Å"It is clear that we h ave some serious problems, and the project is in jeopardy. The project must get back on track, and the backbiting must stop. I want each of us to come to a meeting Friday morning with concrete suggestions of what it will take to get the project back on track and specific actions of how we can make it happen. We need to recognize our mutual interdependence and bring our relationships with each other back to a win/win environment. When we do get things back on track, we need to figure out how to stay on track. †

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Importance Of The Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Importance Of The Education - Essay Example Education by virtue of its very nature should be termed a human right, as a lack of it leads to countless problems and is a source of stress for individuals, governments and at times, even whole economies. Today, the world has become much more competitive than it had been in the past. That means that if one were to hope for success in the future, be it the financial success, social success or even self-sufficient success, education is, quite literally, the most important thing to have (Dewey, pp1).Today, when big companies and corporations hire people, they usually only inquire about the applicant’s qualifications in terms of their diplomas or degrees. That only reinforces the need for a proper education today because ruthless as it may sound, nobody wants to employ uneducated, illiterate people today. Therefore, needless to say, lack of education leads to unemployment, and ultimately poverty. Clearly, the cruel link between a lack of education and poverty, and a low standard of living, has been made explicit as it is prevailing in 70% of the world today. Another important result of education is the civility that can only be taught by communicating and interacting with other individuals in an educational setting. For instance, in many developing countries, the way educated people act and behave is phenomenally different from the way uneducated people do. Today, disparity between different sects of society is a common observation, something that most governments are taking steps to reducing. A way to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor is through education, as this will benefit the masses and for society as a whole as well. One major thing education indirectly teaches is the will to commit and to come up with the determination that this ‘will’ requires. Acquiring an education is more than only going to class and writing tests. Many times, it can be a financial burden, other times it can be too time-consuming. Along the way, students earning a degree have to make a whole lot of sacrifices and compromises. Sometimes it can be as slight as not snapping at a teacher for being unreasonable, other times, it can mean not attending your best friend’s birthday party to finish studying for a test. Either way, it is not always, as fulfilling as it seems to be, and many a times its rewards are only felt right at the end. Thus, throughout the course of 4 years or 8 years or however long it takes to earn that degree, one must constantly strive to thrive; as in the end even in education, it is a rat race. When one fails, one must stay up another night and redo the assignment, push oneself to work h arder and better, to lead. In the end, the people with the honors are the ones that stayed up the most nights, the ones that partied least and the ones that gave it their all. Before one enrolls to earn a degree, one must acknowledge that time spent vaguely is time wasted. Choosing the right major is an extremely important part of the educational process, perhaps the most important. One must take careful consideration of one’s interests, hobbies, weaknesses, and strengths. Furthermore, students must always take into account the real, ruthless side of an occupation. Having a romanticized view of a career can be very detrimental and leads to more harm than good. Choices should be realistic, but most importantly, made independently. For example, a student that took the sciences and

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Identifying specific emergencies and disasters which could impact your Case Study

Identifying specific emergencies and disasters which could impact your community - Case Study Example It also describes the criteria utilized when determining the lead position during the emergency and the authority that the lead person will possess. In addition, the paper describes the methods of communication that will be used during the emergency to maintain control of the team and the personnel who will be allowed to make independent decisions in the field. Finally, the paper concludes with the author’s opinion concerning the appropriateness of allowing input into the disaster management process during an emergency. The use of the incident command systems in the emergency management plan allows for incorporation of facilities, people, equipment, procedures along with communication mechanisms that work in common organizational structures. The systems will also allow for coordinated responses from the private along with public sectors. In addition, the systems will help in establishing common processes that will be used for planning along with managing the available resources. The advantage of utilizing the systems mainly lies in the fact that it allows the users to assume an incorporated organizational structure when managing multiple disaster occurrences. It’s additionally applicable across all levels of government found in the United States (Miller, 2007). The person who will be responsible for directing and controlling the disaster operations will be the chief of Police for the Biloxi region. In determining the lead position during the emergency, the criteria utilized will mainly aim at ensuring the all the people’s lives along with the properties in their surrounding are protected (â€Å"Biloxi’s History With Tropical Systems†, 2012; â€Å"Biloxi Tornado Information†, 2012). The team leader will have to be professionally trained in handling bomb explosions since the emergencies may occur at any time without giving prior warning. The lead position will

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Hometown Deli Competitive Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hometown Deli Competitive Analysis - Case Study Example However, with the threat of looming competition, it is important to analyze the market and determine the possible change in profitability. It is also important to identify a strategy that will be used to improve the business and make it viable in this time. The first aspect of Porter’s five force analysis is the supplier power, which is the importance of the supplier when serving more than one competitor (Porter, 2008). From the analysis of Hometown Deli, it can be determined that the previous owner built a network of suppliers. This means that the supplier is a powerful force in the industry. From the products of the deli, it is evident that there are many possible avenues for getting new suppliers, so the threat of supplier power is low. The best strategy to deal with the existing suppliers is to consolidate their services to guard from competition. This can be done by using one supplier and ensuring that long-term contracts are used with the supplier. The second aspect of P orter’s model is buyer power, and is probably the most important part of the analysis (Porter, 2008). From the history of the deli, it is evident that the previous owner built a network of customers, and the new owner has to find a strategy of retaining these customers. The information indicates that the deli has been a local hotspot for many years, and the best strategy to deal with the power of the buyer is to ensure that these customers do not move with the potential competition. This is done by ensuring that the customers retain their image of the company. In this case, Hometown Deli should provide promotional content aimed at retaining old customers, like using loyalty programs for old customers and introducing prices for returning customers. The other factor is the threat of new entrants, which is determined by the existing competition in the region, cost advantages, barriers to entry and access to distribution (Porter, 2008). In the case of Hometown Deli, there is a bi g threat from competition, mainly because there are low barrier to entry and the potential competition has bigger profits, which means that they have more access to promotional content. This means that the deli is faced with the biggest threat from competition, ad to deal with it, management should come up with a way of increasing their competitive presence. The best strategy for this is to find extra sources of finance and improve the technological presence in the region. If the deli improves the service offered to its customers, it would make it easier to retain customers to the deli. The deli should be brought up to date in terms of competitive presence in the region. The fourth factor is the threat of substitutes, which is the competition faced by a business from the possibility of clients using substitute products (Porter, 2008). In the case of Hometown Deli, the main substitute product is fast food restaurant products, which is not so much of a problem. This force can be addre ssed by consolidating the clients’ preference for the deli product. The last factor is the degree of rivalry, which refers to the competition that would be posed by a rival company. Increased competition can drive profits very low since the market is very concentrated. With the threat of only one rival, it is important to establish a strong identity; otherwise the market could become a monopoly, especially since the potential com

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Business Process Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Process Management - Assignment Example as an overall aim of controlling and monitoring the organization’s processes while seeking to enhance effectiveness of its workflow (Perficient, Inc 2014, p. 1). Moreover, organizations abhor BPM with an aim of enhancing its capacity to adapt to the numerous changes in the business environment. Indeed, Business Process Management has been an effective methodology in ensuring that the organization responds to challenges in the business environment in an efficient, cost-effective, and reasonable manner (AIIM 2014, p. 1). To enhance the implementation of Business Process Management, organizations must integrate information technology and management. Notably, BPM has been very fundamental in setting out the methods, techniques, and tools that organizations must use in designing, controlling, implementing, and analyzing effective business processes (AIIM 2014, p. 1). As such, it is clear that Business Process Management has an optimal goal of fostering communication and establishing rational business process that guarantees the overall success of the organization. Most importantly is the fact that for any business to succeed, it must rely on business process management, which equally relates to people change management. Indeed, we can establish that business process management entails people, applications, documents, people, and various sources of information. Ideally, people change management relates to business process management in any organization within the business environment. It is factual that business process management entails a combination of processes, technologies, and people to enhance the overall performance in the organization and boost customer value (Perficient, Inc 2014, p. 1). People change management relates to the people’s perception on organizational change in a business environment. Indeed, business process management allows the management to design and implement people solutions that relate to the environmental and organisational culture

Friday, October 4, 2019

Eating Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Eating Disorder - Essay Example The second, as Bernard Shaw said, â€Å"Your food is your grave†. I am 23 years old and I have realized that sickness sells at premium and health is at discount. I have seen some of my friends suffer from eating disorders and bouts of depression. They neglect their studies, physically and mentally abuse themselves. I am convinced by observing the real-life examples of my friends that modern education system is one of the important agents to cause eating disorders amongst the combustible younger generation. Eat junk food and other types of fast foods at the wrong time. Eat without time consideration, whether you are hungry or not. On the other extreme, do not eat at all and starve with the sole idea to turn slim. Treat this as an invitation to the eating disorder. The youngsters and adolescent girls have lost the sense of discipline in food intake and have no diet-discipline. The influence of materialistic civilization on the youth is tremendous. The eating disorder impacts the ir personality and once into it, they will have a tough time to recoup the original health and become normal selves again. Newspaper, television and glamorous advertisements convey the wrong message to the adolescent girls that their bodies are imperfect and perfection can be attained with the help of fasting, diet and cosmetics. They render immense disservice to the culture of America with interference in the normal life of girls. Surgery and diet control measures are offered at fabulous prices with promise of reducing weight in short periods. Girls are lured into it, accept it without being aware of the side effects and suffer in the long run. These are some of the important causes for eating disorder, according to me. Eating disorder can be challenged and overcome. If you are a student, listen to the real life experience of the seniors, read literature that gives positive direction to conquer eating disorder and give your body the food it needs, neither less or more. Make a timet able, calorie-wise schedule of the food items that you are going to take and stick to it. My female cousin who stays in the same community at a distance of about a mile from my house has gone through this ordeal of eating disorder. Both families have close interaction, and we all meet quite often in social/family functions. The problem with the combustible younger generation, especially the adolescent girls, is that they are not willing to listen to the first-hand experiences of others. When she began to lose weight, I enquired of her what the issue was. Slimming was her only goal then and she was not inclined to adopt some golden rules of healthy lifestyle. I counseled for hours against her voluntary efforts to destroy her health, but she said that she enjoyed suffering but wished to get slimmer. This is the story of my stubborn cousin. She is an ardent devotee of the cult of thinness that has influenced the turbulent mindset of the young girls. I say turbulent, because even a marg inal increase in the body weight increases their tension. She is younger of the two daughters and they are a happy family. Somebody in the party told her, â€Å"You have put on weight,† and that is the beginning of her journey of worry†¦ I went on a posting to another city, and though I remained in contact with her over the phone, for a personal interaction with her I had to wait for about two years. When I returned back to the city, she expressed her eagerness to meet me urgently and she had a wealth of information to share with me about her sufferings for the last two years. â€Å"I am feeling much better now,† she said with a sigh. Here is her part of the story: â€Å"On listening to that one pound increase remark in the party two years ago, I really panicked. I came home and checked my weight, and the increase